Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Are the school killing creativity?

today we saw a video of a conference , this conference was made by Sir Ken Robinson and he talked about how public education is killing our human creativity, not in terms of publics schools are not teaching anything ... he talked about the fact that schools and any educational system are not taking seriosly the multiple intelligences, they don't recognize the several chances that has our brain to develop not one math and languages but they let apart other "skills" as drawing and arts for example just for a "industrial way to see work"... and in this society drawing, music and other artistic expressions are not useful for working at the office.

but anyway is good to see sometimes this kind of people who goes against society normally think as good just by ways of thinking that exist since ages and which are totally obsolete nowadays, I like people who goes against which is considered as "normal" or "right"... maybe because I think that is time to turn our vision about how human nature is.


  1. and what do you think about the way that he was talking about Education. Is it neccessary to make many jokes when are talking about this topic? if you make jokes, Education is going to be considered a joke as well. if you want to change Education, who is going to pay attention if you make jokes about it.
    I'm not saying that is wrong, but you need to be able to see the context that Education is.
    and according to tha topics, I loved the final phrase human imagination is a gift and we need to make something of it. are you ready my dear friend? to take this challenge?
    best regards.

  2. tnak you for your comment...I am going to cry!!
