Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Are the school killing creativity?

today we saw a video of a conference , this conference was made by Sir Ken Robinson and he talked about how public education is killing our human creativity, not in terms of publics schools are not teaching anything ... he talked about the fact that schools and any educational system are not taking seriosly the multiple intelligences, they don't recognize the several chances that has our brain to develop not one math and languages but they let apart other "skills" as drawing and arts for example just for a "industrial way to see work"... and in this society drawing, music and other artistic expressions are not useful for working at the office.

but anyway is good to see sometimes this kind of people who goes against society normally think as good just by ways of thinking that exist since ages and which are totally obsolete nowadays, I like people who goes against which is considered as "normal" or "right"... maybe because I think that is time to turn our vision about how human nature is.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

BBC channel on you tube

I've been watching the BBC's channel in you tube and it was fun. in one of the videos I watched a man call "the teacher" that guy reminds me a class that we had the last year and we saw him in order to learn more idioms, so now I watched him by my own and it is fantastic! it's so weird and teach you a lot of "informal" conversation phrases , which is good for me because I dislike those expressions which are so formal in the same way I think learn more colloquial expressions is funnier that just learn the "right things".
by the way ... I saw this videos called " the flatmates" and I found so ridiculous especially because there is a girl in the episodes who is called "Helen" who is always complaining about nothing I hope that not all the "Helen" in the world were like her ¬¬.