The other film that I really like is Irréversible, this is a french film directed by Gaspar Noé and starring by Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel. the film use the same technique as memento (in a non-linear narrative order.) and starts by the end, when Marcus (Vincent Cassel) kill the guy who raped his girlfriend, Alex, ( Monica bellucci) the bad thing is that marcus didn't kill the right guy and murdered to the friend of alex raper.

Finally my third favorite movie is The science Of Sleep with Charlotte Gainsbourg ( yes, the Serge gainsbourg daughter) and Gael Garcia Bernal. This story is tell us how difficult is for stephane (Gael Garcia) who confuse reality with dreams having a relation ship with a girl completely in love with him like Stéphanie (Charlotte Gainsbourge) ... and yes , the two main characters of the story have almost the same name